Ten Key Test
tenkeytest.com - Welcome! Powered by Learn2Type.com, the leading Web technology to help you master the skills of ten key and touch typing. Take the FREE Online Ten Key Test to check your speed.
Type the numbers shown, starting from the TOP line going from LEFT to RIGHT. Click the TEST ME! button when finished and your data entry speed will be shown. The numbers shown below have extra spacing between them for readability, do not type spaces between them. Press the ENTER or RETURN key when you see the word ENTER.
Ten Key Test           Click here to load a new 10 Key exercise
16.48 - 333.22 ENTER
4572.61 + 9269.6 ENTER
8633.69 - 7241.25 ENTER
6028.01 * 627.67 ENTER
1508.66 - 4625.12 ENTER
7421.49 - 6934.69 ENTER
4553.21 + 4530.26 ENTER
8659.28 - 3306.51 ENTER
1472.09 / 1406.92 ENTER
2988.43 * 5031.75 ENTER


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